Of course while Blogger was having problems was exactly when I wanted to post my next knit-along post! Anyway, we’ve reached the collar. There are two ways to approach it, and it’s up to you which method you choose. Knitting the collar 1) You can knit the collar as written (or with slight size modifications for those of you who resized your pattern) and sew it to the neckline. 2) You can pick up stitches along the ... Read more »
Yesterday evening I sat down to actually begin work on the muslin for my vintage blouse. I figured out the front gathers on the shoulder pretty easily, sewed up the shoulders and the sides... and then spent about the next 2 or 3 hours reading two paragraphs of my pattern. Vintage sewing patterns being a little skimpy on the instructions (if not downright pithy sometimes), it probably worked out to about 45 minutes a ... Read more »