Hello friends! It’s with a lot of excitement and just as much (or more!) nervousness, that I’m announcing today that I’m finally on YouTube!
I’ve had a lot of requests over the years to do more video content for vintage sewing and knitting. And though I have done a bunch of Instagram stories, mainly talking through sewing projects, it’s not nearly as ‘official’ as a dedicated channel for things!
But particularly with how much Instagram has changed over the last year, making it so much more difficult to actually reach people who follow me (let alone new folks), I started chewing on the idea of finally buckling down and jumping into YouTube. And if you really want to do something you can’t just think about it, you have to dive in when you’re still figuring things out.
And so I did. Cue the fanfare (I hope)!
Subscribe to my new YouTube channel, and please watch and like my first video! Comments help too. ☺️ I kicked things off with an intro to myself and my tentative plans for the channel, and a sewing room tour!
I’m not going to pretend like I just magically clicked my fingers together and *poof* created this video. It’s HARD! It’s one of the main reasons I didn’t ever want to do YouTube, which I talk about a little in the video. It’s just a tooooon of work.
But I pushed through the uncomfortable, learned a LOT (still learning) (and learning), and I’m really proud of myself for what I’ve accomplished so far. I’m super grateful to my step-dad who’s a sound engineer, and has helped steer me in the right direction for getting myself setup. And soo many people on YouTube (the irony!) who give their time to teach newbies things like tips on lighting, video editing, audio editing, it’s just been so helpful.
So please join me as I try this new media on for size, and watch my new video. Stay tuned for more videos from me soon, like a sewing project I’m working on, and kicking off a Wondrella cardigan knit along. Hope you enjoy my channel! ❤️
I’m so excited to see you on YouTube! I really love longform content, so a blog revival AND a YT channel? Music to my ears. And you are so good at it! I’ve never seen such a good ”first” video!