Over Christmas when Mel and I were at my mom and step-dad’s house, I was lucky enough to get in some BFF time with Rochelle, who came to stay the first weekend of our trip with us!
Uh, happy faces, anyone? This photo was taken just a few minutes after she got there. 🙂
It was great, because other than an hour-long layover she had at O’Hare this summer, we hadn’t seen each other since we hung out in March. (You can see our two outfit posts from then here and here, plus our adventures at National Park Seminary.)
We had one little outfit idea planned for when we were together in December, but it was up to me to make it happen. Fortunately I squeezed it in before the trip!
Yes, you are totally not seeing double there with our tops. If you follow Rochelle’s blog too, you’ll probably know that she sewed a really cute Tank Dress tunic with an adorable red riding hood fabric from fabric.com (I think it’s sold out now). Being the novelty print connoisseur that I am, I had to copy her and buy the fabric too, especially when I knew we were going to get to hang out in December!
I used Simplicity 3266, a blouse pattern from 1956 with a cool large wing collar that I love but was a total pain in the ass. I’ll hopefully talk more details about it another time (and I’m pretty sure that regardless of the annoying collar, I’ll sew it again!). Plus next week, you’ll get to see more of the cardigan I’m wearing. Those were the last two things I made in 2014!
But really, I swear Rochelle knew I was copying her fabric choice. Honest!
My mom was our photographer of the day, and picked up some real gems like this. What the hell do we do when we’re together?!
Well for one, we hang out with inflatable pool floaties used as Christmas decor.
In fairness, the alligator is entirely the fault of my parents. When Rochelle arrived, we were all in the process of stringing Christmas lights around an inflatable pool alligator that they wanted to use to decorate their front porch. (No that sentence won’t sound any more normal if you read it again.)
It must say something about our friendship that Rochelle didn’t even bat an eye at any of this. She just named the alligator Alphonso.
So of course, jackassery with an alligator ensued.
I love that in the photo below it looks like we’re posing with a member of the family or something.
Of course, we are actually capable of taking somewhat respectable photos, too!
I guess I don’t have to tell you we had a great time. I think the smiles and giggles say it all!
Ta ta from Rochelle and I, until the next time we get to spend time together and chat about sewing, knitting, decorate Christmas trees, drink tea and each too much stweets, act like buffoons in front of a camera, presumably annoy everyone around us, and hang out with inflatable creatures!
Thanks to my mom for taking photos, making the above collage over Christmas, and playing host to our jackassery. 😉
outfit details
on Rochelle:
Tank Dress tunic – made by Rochelle
cardigan – Target
boots – 6pm
hat – made by me as a birthday gift
on me:
1950s blouse – made by me
Butterick B5895 pants – made by me
cardigan – made by me (sharing more next week)
vintage scarf – misc.
earrings – misc.
shoes – Bait Footwear
Ahh these photos make my life better. I’m so thankful that my blog stalking turned into a beautiful friendship, and your family has welcomed me in as one of your alligator-decorating-own 😉 It’s impossible to choose a favorite photo but I really love the family portrait one haha! So good.
Until next time, bestie! <3 <3
I have finally figured out my Get Rich Scheme.
Next time DD1 and DD2 are here together, I’m totally going to sell tickets!!
I’m pretty sure plenty of people will pay to see the adorableness that ensues.
You guys are hilarious! Love the twinsie outfits!
You two are actually the cutest. Loving the alligator as well, it certainly makes for a pretty alternative decoration.
Ok, I was dying over that family portrait photo hahaahha!!!
I’m so glad you guys are friends and I love looking at these fun photos! 🙂
Haha lovin’ that alligator. And your outfits!
Aw looks like you two had so much fun hanging out! And Alphonso is quite the ham in front of the camera! 😉
Someone needs to give you two awesome ladies your own TV show. You are such dynamic people, together and individually, and whenever you post about your awesome meet-ups, I feel like I want to see you together every week and enjoy more of the good natured fun you have together.
♥ Jessica
HAHA. Tasha, I love your range of facial expressions in these photos. I couldn’t tell from the photos that the collar was a pain. It looks AWESOME. Hopefully, it will be the sort of thing that gets easier with repetition!
Loving the matching fabric and alphonso… The birthday hat looks like an Ysolda Teague pattern, I have yet to meet a person who doesn’t like that hat, I hope you have warned her that all her friends will be trying to steal the hat !
Aw, those pics are so sweet! This fabric looks gorgeous, cool to see how differently you’ve used it.
Great pics! They definitely put a smile on my face. Also, Tasha, I love those pants of yours more every time I see them!
You guys are really cute. You just look so damn happy! I love both of your cool red riding hood creations, and Alphonso is quite the dear the let you guys take such silly photos with him.
Aw, you guys are so cute together! Like seriously, it makes ME smile to see how happy you get when you get to meet up! And the matching tops are perfect… I can’t say the number of times I’ve want to rip off fabric choices, pattern choices, or outfit looks ~ it’d be even better if I had someone to do it with! ❤
bonita of Lavender & Twill
You two just make me laugh so much 🙂
It’s wonderful! And love the family portrait, isn’t Alphonso lovely! haha
I hope many of these happy moments happen often, to bright your days and ours.
Beta x
Your matchy matchy outfits are so cute. Great pics too. I love that card with your new blouse. Looking forward to the next post.
You two are so adorable together, it’s obvious that you had a lot of fun. Love how you each made a completely different top from the fabric, I could decide which I would like better.
The both of you look adorable! I love your blouse, Tasha, that collar is fabulous!
Aw adorable!!!
Aw, You guys look so happy! Thanks for sharing the sweet pics.
Yes! Crafty tv show! I second that idea!!
So cute to see you and your bff together! I love the matching tops. And I love the wing collar on your top! LOVE!!!
I love love love these photos. If you filtered them in B&W you’d never know it was present day!! And you guys looked like you were having so.much.fun. 🙂 glad I found your blogs!