For years and years, I’ve wanted to have red hair.
Not that you’ve seen it since it was all pre-blog, but I’ve had loads of different hair colors over the years. From shades you might find springing from someone’s head naturally (like black, brown, and blonde) to completely unnatural colors (like pink, green and purple), with the only real exceptions being light brown and natural reds. I say ‘natural’ reds to distinguish from very unnatural reds like the more violet-based brown reds I often dyed my hair in college, or a true fire engine red, which I’ve also had (whole head for a short while, and large chunks for a few years). But I’ve never delved into the ginger zone, though I’ve coveted those orange-red copper shades longer than anything!
And Friday night, I finally became a redhead! Is there a club for redheads? Can I join now?? 😉
Whoa. Yeah, big shocking difference, isn’t it??
It was only a day ago and I’m still having trouble seeing that as my own head. Mel was kind enough to take a few photos in front of a random church in our neighborhood, and afterwards I had to ask, “Is that really my hair color??” Yes, yes it really is!
It was no small deal. My stylist Angelica, the owner of Tigerlie Salon, spent several hours getting my color just right yesterday afternoon into the evening. I had a lot more dye still deposited in my hair than it looked like, so while she lightened up the much darker ends from the get-go, and my several inches of roots went red easily, the middle section didn’t quite match after one round. But Angelica was extremely fastidious, and hot damn was it ever worth it. I really think she got my hair to one of the best shades of red I’ve seen on non-natural redheads. I couldn’t be more thrilled with it!
And obviously I haven’t washed it yet, hence the mostly straight ‘do. It’s amazing that with all that processing, my hair is actually still in great condition. But I do remember from all my years of two-process coloring and bleaching that my hair is pretty resilient. (Well, when I’m smart enough to have a professional do it. We don’t need to talk about my late teens/early 20s.)
I’m not sure what’s stopped me in the past from going red, as colors that have to be touched up regularly hasn’t ever stopped me, so it couldn’t have been that. Frankly, I think it must be because I don’t have that typical peaches and cream complexion that natural redheads usually have, so I just never thought it would look very good on me. This might have you scratching your head a bit because I think my skin tends to photograph more neutral and a bit more fair than it is in real life. And while my skin is pretty fair, I definitely have a yellow undertone.
So that yellow undertone plus the gingery red hair colors I coveted… that always worried me.
But I think it worked! I’m certainly not trying to fool anyone into thinking I’m a natural redhead, by any means. But I just didn’t want it to hideously clash with my skin, you know??
I did a lot of research before going red, so I’d have an idea of what I was getting into. I was prepared for the fact that I may need to make a few wardrobe and cosmetics changes to make it work better. I bought copper bobby pins today at Sally Beauty—omg, I have to get used to hiding them better, that was never an issue before, ha ha!
And the bright pink cardigan I was knitting? Nope. I held it up to my face today and it looks terrible. That’ll be frogged and started over in a new color. It’ll be fun learning what colors I like best on me now!
As for makeup, I only had to make a few changes. I already flip flopped between blue-based red and orange-red lipsticks as I felt like it, and I found that orange-red lips with my new hair color is a lot better than blue-reds. I also swapped my pink blush for a peach blush, which helped give me a bit more of the “peaches” part of that peaches and cream complexion that goes so well with red hair.
And last but not least, my eyebrows. I bought an auburn eyebrow pencil and a lighter brown brow wax at Sephora today, instead of using the medium brown powder and wax that was my previous routine (I don’t use much, just mainly to define a little and tidy things up).
I was honestly pretty worried about my eyebrows looking too dark, but I also didn’t want to lighten them, so I’m pleased to find a good middle ground. Not that you can really tell, but the touch of auburn helps a lot, I think. Though quite frankly it pretty much looks exactly the same as before unless I’m in broad daylight. But whatever, hey, it makes me feel better!
And just for fun, even though the photos weren’t taken in exactly the same lighting (try as I might, I couldn’t find a “before” in the same kind of lighting), here’s an idea of the minor makeup tweaks I made for my new red hair.
Thanks for all of the awesome comments on my sneak peek on Instagram last night! ♥ ♥ Now you can see what it really looks like!
It’s only been one day, but I definitely think red is here to stay for a good long while. Hey, I’m already getting used to not jumping every time I see my reflection in the mirror. Ha ha! And I’m pretty excited. See? I’m so exited I do cheesy things like this.
Safe to say I’m loving being a new (fake) redhead! 😀
outfit details
new red hair by Angelica at Tigerlilie Salon
skirt: Retro 101 in St. Louis
top: Boden
shoes: Swedish Hasbeens
earrings: made by me from vintage cabochons
Bakelite bangle: Brighter Bakelite
Wow Tasha! I said it n IG, and I’ll say it again; You look AMAZING! That shade of red looks so lovely on you <3
Thanks Carla! 😀
Wow, I LOVE this color on you! It looks terrific! Your stylist did a wonderful job. I, too, have lusted after red hair for most of my life, but unlike you, I don’t have confidence in my ability to care for a color job that requires a fair amount of maintenance. And since my hair is naturally dark like yours, that pretty much means I’m stuck with my natural locks. Which is OK, but … I bet it’s fun to be a redhead!
:: ::
Yes, the wonders she worked with the color is amazing. And thank you! It’s been fun so far. 🙂
I already told you on Instagram, but I LOVE it!!! Also, now I have a good red lipstick suggestion-Im a natural redhead and always want to do a red lip but I’m afraid it will clash 😛
Thank you! 😀 I didn’t think the blue-red looked *bad* by any means, and I’ve seen enough photos of redheads in all kinds of shades of red (even a picture of Karen Gillan in a pink red and it looked great on her), so you can totally pull it off!
Welcome to the fake ginger club!v I’ve been a member for more than a decade now and I can’t imagine ever going back to my blonde roots. That color really suits you!
Thanks so much! 🙂
It’s a huge change but it definitely works on you. And in slightly-related news, as a fair-haired person, I never realised until now that it might be possible to acquire bobby pins that aren’t as obvious in your hair. I’m on the lookout for some new ones now – thanks!
Yes, definitely a BIG change! 🙂 The bobby pins I bought aren’t a match but they’re definitely better than black. There’s also more gold ones for blondes, too!
You look fantastic as a redhead. The colour is so beautiful!
Thank you! 🙂
As I said in IG you look fab! Aside from the fact that you make things fun, I love following you because of your attention to detail. It helps me loads weather I’m working on a project or trying to achieve the total look. Much appreciated thank you! 😉
Thank you, that’s so sweet of you to say! <3
Love the hair, you look super! Besame have new red lipstick (well, new to us in NZ anyway!) called Tango…it’s just the perfect red lipstick for redheads. I’ve just bought it and can’t stop wearing it. Have fun settling in to your new look 🙂
I saw the email ad for that recently, I should check it out! I have a color of theirs (Carmine, I believe) that I thought looked terrible on me before… I need to pull it out and see if it works now. And I’ll check out Tango, thanks!
I love the red on you. I am normally always a darker version of that, went brown for a whole and it just felt weird, so know what you mean about not recognising yourself. Good top about the eyebrow pencil, mine are jet black (even though I’m naturally an auburn medium brown) so will be seeking that out.
Thanks Vicki! 🙂
Yep, it looks fabulous. Makes me miss my brief red hair stint sooooo much. I can never go back tho, bleach hates me with a vengeance. I will live through your photos!
Aw I’m so sorry Carli, I know with your beautiful long hair that would be a big challenge if your hair hates bleach! However my natural color went to the red side without bleach, but not all the part that was previously dyed, if your hair isn’t dyed you could always have a stylist do a patch test to try it out? That’s what mine did to see if my natural brown would need to be bleached first, and surprisingly it didn’t.
Welcome to the club! Red looks absolutely becoming on you, darling.
Thanks dear! That means a lot coming from a gorgeous redhead such as yourself! 😉
Hooray for redheads–natural or not! You look great with this hair color! I feel your pain about the pink cardigan, though: I’ve had to cut some colors out of my wardrobe in the 13 years I’ve been red, but it’s been worth it. You’ll find what works for you and you’ll rock it! =)
Thanks! Yes, that’ll be an interesting thing to figure out. Fortunately I don’t have that much pink in my wardrobe and I think so long as too much isn’t close to my face it’ll be okay (I say this partially to make myself feel better about having a couple of stash fabrics I really like that feature pink, lol). But we’ll see, it’ll be a fun new challenge!
I think it looks fabulous on you, it lends your skin a vivacious tone. I had red hair once and it was very disappointing, but I have a lot of pink/red tones in my skin so that’s why – my face looked red all the time. I also had to completely do my wardrobe. Boo on that! I’ve finally stopped dying my hair for good, I think it has been about two years now and I’m very happy. No fuss, no huge batches of hair falling out of my head and I think on me, my natural color really is the best choice for me. Not that I don’t covet the occasional beautiful rainbow hair on pinterest…
Thanks! I know, I can easily fall in love with so many hair colors. But I’m so glad I finally bit the bullet on red since I really did admire it longer than anything. 🙂
Your hair is gorgeous!! The first thing I thought was how well the colour suits your complexion. I’m a fake red head too, so welcome to Team Red!
Thank you for the welcome to your team! 😉
If there is a club, then welcome to it!
What a bold change! I really admire you for it! The color is wonderful!
Also, that skirt! I love it!
Thanks Janey! Yes, I haven’t done that bold of a change in probably at least 6 years. I’m slowly getting used to seeing it on myself and I’m so happy to have made the leap! 🙂
That’s just the perfect shade of red for you…and an amazing dye job! You look gorgeous!
I know, her coloring skills are amazing. And thank you, I was worried it wouldn’t work for me! 🙂
As a natural redhead (see my avatar everywhere), I have Feelings about dyed red hair. On many people it looks completely unnatural, but this color looks absolutely fantastic on you.
I feel the need to say this, though, and I don’t intend it to sound mean, trolling, or otherwise negative: membership in the redhead “club” is earned through years of bullying, even in places like the US that don’t have a substantial anti-ginger culture. In elementary school, I would have given anything to be a blonde or brunette and avoid ridicule, though my mom assured me that many women would kill for my hair color. Being a natural redhead also means going extinct, as there likely won’t be any of us left in another century. I’m hoping that my husband and I have enough red in our genes to produce some redheaded children someday, keeping redheads around a little bit longer.
At any rate, I’m glad that you love the color enough to try it out for yourself. Enjoy your fabulous new look!
Thanks! And your natural color is gorgeous, Cheryl! I didn’t really grow up with many (if any) redheaded kids, so I don’t think I really realized the teasing aspect until meeting our friend Emma from Wales, who has gorgeous naturally curly ginger hair. Although perhaps this will make you feel somewhat better: I had coincidentally read that the extinction thing was somewhat of a myth…basically it’s a recessive gene like blue eyes, but unless no one with it has kids ever again in the rest of humanity–obviously not going to happen–it doesn’t sound like it’s going anywhere, though it will continue to be rare as it is now. Natural red hair is beautiful! 🙂
it looks really cute
retro rover
I think it looks wonderful.
I have been a red all of my life (though I have been dyeing the past decade or so now because my natural color has gotten much darker than it used to be).
I have never wore a lot of makeup, but when I do I tend to pick a blue based red for lips because I read somewhere as a teen that it helps your teeth look whiter. I never even considered that a orangey red might work better for my complexion, but it looks really good on you so I might have to try.
I have never heard of pink looking bad on red though my mother always warned me away form wearing red (which is probably why I don’t wear any reds or oranges).
Yes, my teeth could definitely use the brightening of the blue-based red, lol! But I do think the orange-red looks nicer with my new hair color. But it’ll be fun playing with lipstick shades now! 🙂
I’m sure colors are subjective from person to person. I was surprised that the hot pink looked so bad against my face, because usually I don’t care at all about color and skin tone and things like that. But now I think I’ll be paying closer attention!
I really love the red hair on you! I don’t think that you necessarily have to have a peaches and cream complexion to pull to color off – I’m a natural redhead, and I’ve got a distinctly pink tone to my skin, while my former roommate, also a redhead, had a very golden skin tone due to some East Asian ancestry. I think it’s just finding a tone that works well for you, just like finding the right shade of lipstick. Hopefully you also find a shade of pink that you like with your new hair.
I think I already did a bunch of *likes* on twitter or instagram. But your red hair is great. Besides the lovely shade, the first thing I noticed was how well your eyebrows blend. I can totally see a difference & they’re a good compliment to your new red. So glad you took the plunge as it really does look nice and fresh.
I stiiiill have to go and get an appointment at your hair place. I haven’t had a cut since November and my hair is dying I think. LOL. I may just do whatever they suggest just to get something fresh. (Guess who found grey hairs too?! That was a scary day & continues to be). My hairdresser never told me I had those & I got a rude awakening one day over dinner with Felix.
While your natural color is lovely, I really do like the ginger redhead look on you! The lipstick is also a perfect choice for the new hair.
Fantastic! It really suits you!
I know I already told you this 40 times but YOUR HAIR IS AMAZING AND YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL. The end 🙂
Welcome to the club, dear Tasha!!! I’ve been a card carrying member since I was 16. In fact, red (starting with a bottle of Clairol Essence’s dark red dye, to be exact) was the first colour I ever dyed my hair and though I did experiment with other shades over the years, none felt as “me” as red/auburn, so inevitably I returned to it and couldn’t be happier.
You look fabulous!!!
♥ Jessica
I love it so sooooo much!! Welcome to the bottle red heads club! I was also really worried about making wardrobe and makeup changes. Thankfully, I had already been using a lot of makeup colors that look good with my skin and red hair but when I wear certain shades of green, I feel like a Christmas tree but I’m trying out more blue-greens or other shades that seem to work. After going red, I bought a super cheap ELF lip gloss stick in “Pink Umbrellas” Its really sheer and has become my new favorite!
Look at you!! You are super gorgeous in that lovely shade of red! Envious!!
Welcome to dyed-red-head club! I love this color and it looks so fab on you. Plus, I think we might be color twinsies! ;D ♡
bonita of Lavender & Twill
You look so cute as a redhead :).
BTW Illamasqua do an eyebrow cake in a colour called ‘Stark’, it’s designed for redheads (I love it) if you’re still experimenting x
Oooh thanks dear! I’m decently pleased with what I’m using now for my brows, but I looked up the Illamasqua and it seems probably even better. And hey, it’s an excuse to play with new makeup! 😉