While I’m in Ireland, I’m very excited to have a few guest posts to share with you this week!
Today’s post is from the lovely sewing blogger Marie of A Stitching Odyssey. I adore Marie. She has such a charming and fun style, I always love seeing what she’s sewn up next! This year, she launched a fabulous project called the Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge, and I was lucky enough that she was happy to share more about it with my readers!
It all started with these fateful words: “During 2014, I, Marie Koupparis, will sew up at least five of my vintage sewing patterns.” It’s now three months later and although I haven’t yet started on my own pledge, over 100 of you have committed to join me and your beautifully finished makes are well and truly flooding in!
You can imagine then, just how excited I was when Tasha – one of my ultimate vintage style icons – asked me to share my motivation behind the Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge. It’s a story that I’m sure many of you will find familiar – I was taken in by the many charms of vintage sewing patterns when I first learned to sew in 2010, yet have hardly stitched any up at all. In fact, out of the 150+ vintage patterns I own, I’ve shamefully only used five for garment-making! I’m not including my mad pinny and sailor collar phases in these numbers, but still!
I think the main reason for this is that I’m so easily taken in by the frenzy surrounding the release of wonderful, new indie patterns. So this year, I’ve decided it’s time to make room in my stitching life for both…otherwise, what’s the point of collecting vintage sewing patterns in the first place? Although I haven’t quite decided on my top five patterns yet, I do have a few beauties in mind!
The big question is, will you join me? You have the remainder of 2014 to do so and there are no strict rules: you can use both vintage and reproduction sewing patterns, and you don’t even have to set yourself a numerical target like I did. You can simply join in if you feel you’re not doing justice to your vintage pattern collection, if you want to push yourself to achieve a personal best, or even if just you want to try your hand at a vintage pattern for the very first time!
You can let me know if you’re joining in by using #vintagepledge on Twitter, leaving a comment on my blog or sending me an email. I’ll share your makes during regular blog round-ups, as well as via Twitter and my dedicated Pinterest board. In fact, I’ll leave you with a snapshot of participants’ finished makes that I’ve pinned…to whet your appetite and coerce you into taking part!
Thanks so much for supporting my #vintagepledge Tasha! I hope I’ve convinced a few of your lovely readers to dust off their vintage sewing patterns!
And thank YOU, Marie! For sharing more about the Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge and for creating such a fun challenge. I hope it turns even more people onto vintage sewing!
Be sure to stop by A Stitching Odyssey to follow more of Marie’s sewing!
Wow! You’ve chosen some stellar patterns, Marie! I need to dig through my stash for inspiration. I never use my vintage patterns (I struggle getting them to fit right) but they’re just so beautiful and fun that I’m tempted to join in!
Fab patterns! Looking forward to seeing the goodies you make!
Thanks so much for the feature Tasha and for the comments ladies…dust off those vintage patterns I say!
Great project to join in indeed! Wonderful 🙂