This afternoon, I sat down to make a muslin. I admit that I’m really not a big fan of doing them anymore than I’m a fan of knitting a gauge swatch. But like in knitting, I know when I need to do one and when I don’t. This weekend I finished up my blenders blouse and I’m extremely happy with it. (I hope to get some photos next weekend when there’s sun.) I’d do a few things different next time, but I know I’ll be making the pattern again and again. In fact, it turned out the neckline was high enough that I can wear the shirt to work, so that was a nice bonus considering yesterday’s rant.
I love the idea of having a few ‘uniform’ sewing patterns to make wardrobe staples, and got the idea from my friend Brandy. A pattern that I really like, that fits me well, that I know how to sew and that I can whip out different versions of to make each one unique. I definitely know the pattern I used for the blender blouse will be my first uniform pattern.
So I’m working on a muslin for a second basic blouse pattern. I admit I didn’t make one for the blenders blouse. But this time I’m going to, partly because I think the pattern size I bought might end up being too big for me so I may need to do some alterations, and partly because I’ve never done gathers at the shoulder before so I need the practice. It’s a Simplicity pattern with no date, but I’m guessing from the hairdos perhaps late 50s or early 60s. Just a classic style. Even better, another work-appropriate one if it turns out well. Once the muslin is complete, if I get it to a place where I’m satisfied, I plan on ordering up a bunch of fabric to make myself ‘uniform’ blouses for work.
Making muslins are kind of a drag. But today, what was my biggest obstacle?
That’s right. That’s my muslin fabric under her butt. This photo was taken the third time I had moved her and moved the muslin. She was too cute to move again, so I just worked around her. Fortunately the ironed part that I needed was up on the table above her. It really only proved problematic when she changed position and my fabric started to scoot its way down to the floor.
Welcome to my sewing in my house!
My pups do that too! I can’t tell if they are trying to get my attention or if they just are compelled to make all fabric on the floor into a bed.
I’m a huge fan of the “uniform” concept too. Though I refer to them as my “Mama’s Family” dresses – as I remember noticing when I watched that (horrible) show as a kid that she basically always wore the same dress in different fabrics in every episode. Everyone on that show was costumed like that, actually. I often wonder if it was just laziness on the costume department’s part, or if they actually did a brilliant bit of research, knowing that the “uniform pattern” is a common thing for people who sew. It may have been the former, but I like to think it was the latter.
Aren’t they just so silly? I think in Pia’s case it’s textile love. She will sit on anything comfy like that…a blanket, pillow, and clearly fabric.
Good eye on the Mama’s Family detail! I always notice little things like that, like how frequently Bea Arthur wore this one particular pair of earrings in the Golden Girls.
hi! my pets do this too! ESPECIALLY when im photographing things for my etsy shop – they love to run into the shot at the last moment, just in case i had forgotten them 🙂 nice blog by the way, i am a new follower!
Thanks Honey! How funny because I was posting yet another pet and sewing photo just as you were commenting. Thanks for stopping by! 😀