Hello, friends! I greet you after a road trip to visit family over Christmas, with a project I sewed and photographed a few weeks ago but hadn't had the time to write about. Because I fully intended to write about this dress once I'd finished it, as it kind of surprised me how much I liked it. I originally had the idea to use this 1950s pattern, Advance 7747, with some Spoonflower cotton sateen in a winter print. So I ... Read more »
Ho ho hello
I haven't written a post on this blog since April of 2019. Wow have things changed since then. Not as much personally, but the world. You don't need me to recap the open wound of 2020, you were there. In my life, it's been mostly a quiet year, being careful and safe and trying to keep myself occupied throughout the pandemic and the pathetic, negligent handling by the dumpster fire of our thankfully-outgoing wannabee ... Read more »
Plaid flannel dress
Last month, I sewed a plaid dress. Not just any plaid dress, but a plaid flannel dress. It's cute, warm, and comfy. What could be more delightful for fall and early winter? This dress is from McCall's 8989, a pattern from the 1950s. The wing collar is annoying to construct... the type where you sew to the seam line on both sides of a seam, and invariably I leave a huge hole or puckers and have to re-do at least ... Read more »
Red and cream gingham sundress
I've been really busy this spring and early summer, and blogging just hasn't been on the forefront of my mind lately. I go through periods when I just find the entire process of taking and collating photos complete and utter drudgery. Sure, taking half a dozen photos doesn't seem that annoying, but it usually takes 50 or more to even find just a few I'm happy enough with to post. Thankfully for you, I finally got ... Read more »
Brown plaid dress
Early in September, I was having a hard time finding direction for my sewing. I blame the change of seasons. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to make, or I'd want to make things I didn't actually feel like taking the time to make, or I just wasn't sure what I wanted to be wearing... things like that. I may not follow modern trends in fashion, but that doesn't mean I don't go through phases of things I prefer, want to ... Read more »
Vintage dressing gown in plaid flannel
Sometimes you get an idea for a project that feels like it comes out of no where, but once you sew up the item you realize it was so YOU all along! Late in the summer, I started thinking about dressing gowns. House coats. House dresses. Hostess gowns. Hostess dresses. Brunch coats. Whatever you want to call them. Vintage dresses that zip up the front, of varying lengths and styles. I think the seed was planted when ... Read more »