A happy early Valentine's Day to you! Actually, we don't usually do much for Valentine's Day. As a couple, Mel and I historically have never made it a big deal as before we were married it was two weeks away from anniversary, so for 10 years we really just never did anything. One thing I've always loved, however, was vintage Valentine ephemera. Just so cute! So when I saw this vintage-inspired fabric with a heart ... Read more »
christine haynes
The best fitting dress I own, thanks Emery!
Stop the presses. My first finished project of 2014 has me grinning from ear to ear! It's my Purple Passion Emery. (No, we haven't painted our kitchen yet, I did not pick that pale pooh green. And welcome to our broom closet door. And my collection of state plates, which will look much cuter on aqua walls, when we get to painting.) Well okay, that's not quite grinning ear to ear, that's a normal smile. How about this ... Read more »