Well, we’re off to my mom and step-dad’s for the holidays tomorrow, and I’m in a particularly cheerful mood!
Mostly because I’m excited to see family and friends, but also because it meant that today, I got to open my Secret Santa gift! Jessica from Chronically Vintage organized a Vintage Secret Santa swap this year. Several days ago, this amazing-looking package arrived on my doorstep. I may even have heard the slight sound of sleigh bells in the air when it did…
I’m a good girl (well, about spoilers, that is), and didn’t peek. This lovely package sat taunting me on the entertainment center for over a week! But since we hit the road tomorrow, I had planned to open it today.
My Secret Santa truly outdid herself! Turns out it’s Jeanne Marie from Jeanne Marie’s Sewing Studio. Jeanne Marie, you’re amazing! ♥
Inside the adorable festive package was this tempting looking lot, wrapped up in a pretty ribbon. Eep, what was inside, I wondered?? Of course, I spied vintage buttons right off the bat (they’ll be perfect for a blouse I plan to sew after the holidays), and what I suspected were…
…yes, two wonderful vintage needle books! Get a look at those covers. I’m swooning over the sewing cats and the women fawning over a length of fabric!
And the insides are pretty glorious, too.
There was also a lovely floral handkerchief. I don’t ever use them to blow my nose, but I usually keep one tucked in the bottom of my purse. Never know when it might come in handy!
And the pièce de résistance, a vintage sewing book! First published in 1943, this edition of The Complete Book of Sewing is from 1949.
The section on curtains may well come in handy for me soon. Since we painted the kitchen recently (more on that next year, har har), we ordered new window treatments, and I’ll be making a valance for our picture window and possibly a matching one for the window over the sink, too.
The inside cover was marked by the original owner, Sylvia, on March 16, 1950. In her card, Jeanne Marie, who also sews, told me that this sewing book was one of her favorites, and she was thrilled to find a copy for me, too. I’ll happily give Sylvia’s book a good new home!
And even Jeanne Marie’s business card is adorable! All around, what a wonderful Christmas package.
I’m so touched by my Secret Santa gifts, Jeanne Marie! I can’t thank you enough. You’ve truly helped start off the Christmas festivities in grand fashion.
Things will probably be rather quiet around here while I’m ho-ho-hoing with my family. Wishing all of you the very best over the holiday season!!
♥ ♥ ♥
I have the exact same Happy Home needlebook! We could be twinsies!!
Oh. Wait. You are my daughter. That’s pretty the same thing.
Hurry home!!
I am so glad you like your gift! I forgot to mention in the note that the “ribbon” is actually rayon seam binding, so you can use it for a sewing project if you want.
Merry Christmas!
A secret santa amongst sewist – how fun! Jeanne did you well too. I recently started collecting needle books and am fascinated by the range of cover designs. Some where political while other were whimsical. My favorite ones to date are the ones with the cats. Too cute!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday, Tasha. I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wow, your secret Santa really outdid herself! I’m loving all the photos that I’ve seen from the exchange, people really did a great job picking out fun things.
Sweet Tasha, thank you so much for blogging about, and taking part in, Chronically Vintage’s inaugural Vintage Secret Santa gift exchange. I love the palpable excitement you felt as Jeanne Marie’s present was waiting patiently for you to open it and that you documented what was inside when you did. This is such a fun, festive, lovely post and just the think I needed to perk up my own spirits after quite a long, stressful week.
I hope you and Mel and all your loved ones have an awesome, fun filled holiday season and an incredible New Year!
♥ Jessica
What a lovely set of gifts!! That book is FANTASTIC! How lucky you were gifted it. I can’t wait to see your curtains when you make them.