This dress may well feature one of the pinnacles of amazing, kitschy novelty prints: cuckoo clocks.
Ever since I got a cuckoo clock necklace from Classic Hardware, I’ve been obsessed with them. One day, this obsession took me on a hunt for cuckoo clock fabric. Surely, somewhere, there was fabric with cuckoo clocks on it, right? Well, the answer was yes! This fabric is from the Storybook Lane collection by Kelly Lee-Creel, which I happened upon on Etsy. And no, it’s not a complete coincidence that Rochelle just finished up a blouse with windmills on it, as we’ve definitely been chatting about these cuckoo-clocks-and-windmills novelty themes a lot. 😉
And look, it’s a cuckoo clock necklace, hanging down on top of a centered cuckoo clock on the dress. Eep! That makes me so happy I can’t even tell you.
Gah. A sort of aqua-turquoise and cuckoo clocks?! I can hardly stand it! Of course, I used it as an excuse to pick up this adorable brooch for a few dollars on Etsy, featuring silver-tone plastic Dutch clogs and tulips. Because, well really, might as well just run with a ridiculous theme.
This dress is actually the one I mentioned in my last dress post as using the absolute exact same size bodice pieces, yet the dress is nearly an inch smaller at the waist. It’s a puzzle and I’ll have to sort it out for future versions at some point. Fortunately still very wearable, just a bit more fitted than I’d prefer. This dress features that same Emery bodice with a different neckline that I drafted, and the skirt from my vintage Simplicity 1523 pattern. (Um, wrinkles included on the back because I’d been wearing it all day and it was hot. Sorry.)
If you follow me on Instagram, you may recognize this outfit. I wore it last Tuesday on our anniversary, when we both took the day off work. As of June 1st, Illinois’s marriage equality law went into effect, and we went to officially convert our civil union to a marriage.
No ceremony or pomp and circumstance—already did that the first time—but essentially a paperwork “upgrade” at the clerk’s office, where they even back-date it to the original date of your civil union. That probably explains the extra gum-showing happy grin in the below photo. I was in a pretty good mood afterwards, when we took some photos and then walked around in the woods. 😉
Although I did change into boots, and threw on a shrug (for bug/sun protection) for the walk by the river and on a casual wooded path beyond that.
If you read Monday’s post, you’ll know I had a couple of frustrating projects after this dress (I’m glad many of us could commiserate together on our own project woes!), so I’m not sure what I’ll be sewing next. I recently purchased some cotton twill to make two Sewaholic Hollyburn skirts, and since it’s now sinking in that I’m more of a pear than I was before losing a bit of weight, that should work out nicely for me, in theory (since Tasia’s line is geared towards pear shapes). I’ve also been loving the slightly-gathered A-line skirt on this dress, so I’m tempted to add a waistband and make a skirt out of it. I did happily just finish up a reversible vintage bolero, which I’m really proud of. Plus, it made me not as pissed at sewing, ha ha! Since I’m loving light cover ups this summer, I see more of those in my future, too.
Buuuut I also have a stack of amazing prints calling my name to be dresses. So we’ll see what I decide on!
outfit details
dress – made by me
Bakelite earrings – misc.
necklace – courtesy of Classic Hardware
Dutch shoes brooch – Beadazzle
fakelite bracelet – The Pink Bungaloo
shoes – courtesy of Sven Clogs
by the river…
vintage shrug – probably had at least 10 years!
satchel – the Leather Satchel Co.
boots – Frye
I don’t even know where to start!!! THE FABRIC. THE CUTEST! This is one of my favorite dresses of yours and I adore the print and the color on you, not to mention the cuckoo clock necklace is seriously swoon worthy. I also love your shoes (AND the boots!) and your hair and pretty much everything. Also, congrats again on the “paperwork upgrade”! Huge love to you and Mel! Though I still think you should have had a second wedding so I could go lol 😉 😉
Hee hee, thanks! And one ceremony is plenty. 😉
THOSE CLOGS, oh my gosh!!! Did you customize those?
Yes they were customized. 🙂
Love the fabric Tasha! What a cool theme. It turned out perfect for you.
Thanks! 😀
You’ve accessorized this dress perfectly! I love building from a theme. 😀 The Hollyburn is a fantastic skirt pattern. I’m sure whatever you decide to sew next will be wonderful.
Thanks, Michelle! I’m eager to start on a Hollyburn!
This is one of my favourite outfits so far – as if I could actually pick one – I just love the coordinating theme with the print and accessories.
Thank you! 🙂
Lovely dress.
Congratulations on officially becoming “married”!
Thank you! 🙂
What a great print on that dress, and that necklace is perfect with it!
xox Sammi
Thanks so much! It was great to play on the theme. 🙂
This dress is to die for! The print, obviously, is amazing, the color, the adorable brooch, the necklace, all of it is great! I personally love to run with a “ridiculous theme,” so this is the best!
I also REALLY like the semi-gathered skirt. It IS nice, slightly fuller but still flatteringly slim. So awesome!
Thanks, Emileigh! Yes, it’s a great alternative when I don’t want a full skirt, or A-line. I think it would work nice as a standalone skirt!
So cute! You’ve really been inspiring me with all of these cute easy 40s dresses! I have plans to make a dress in this style but just as I found the perfect pattern, I ran out of tracing paper. 🙁
Oh bummer! I bought a whole box of medical table paper, which seemed silly at the time but it means I probably won’t run out for 10+ years. lol
You are simply adorable! I could really eat you up. I love how you are fearless about using what some would consider kitschy prints. I find myself really drawn to fabulous prints, but they are not something I wear. I’m going to have to adjust my inner voice to allow for more fun prints!
Congratulations on moving up to married status. California (where I live) just changed the law a year ago. Thank you Prop 8! I did not think to ask for our wedding date to show our civil union date. At any rate, we are changing the world! Whoop whoop!
Yes, definitely adjust that inner voice! Start with something small like a kitschy print on a blouse, paired with a solid skirt and cardigan, or something equally unassuming. Then maybe you won’t be afraid to wear it! 🙂
I’m not sure if everywhere was allowed to back-date if it was a state that first allowed civil unions, but it was definitely a nice little touch! Congrats to you too!
Shoes. Want the shoes. And the dress. And all the things. Open a store, dear, I’ll just have my checks deposited directly with you.
Also, so happy about the new marriage laws here! One of my friends is a trans man who is also a UU minister, and he’s got a number of queer marriages that he’s officiating in the upcoming months. It’s just awesome.
Hee hee, thanks! And that’s indeed awesome about your friend! I know they legally started to allow new marriages several months back but those of us with civil unions had to wait until June to convert it– but hoo boy, it was worth it!
Love that you can wish a fabric into being! The dress is beautiful and congratulations on your marriage!
Would that I could wish all fabrics into being! 😉 And thanks!
So, So Great! The color, the fabric pattern, the fit and style. You look great! Congratulations as well on your Marriage now being ‘officially’ recognized; here’s hoping Michigan get’s its act together soon!
Thank you! Your fellow midwest neighbors will be cheering your state on too. 🙂
I have a cuckoo brooch that I’ve been wearing on my winter coat. I am similarly tempted to collect many more cuckoo items for the house and too wear.
I was picking out fabric swatches for my couch and also ended up with a few yards of a linen blend with a giant chickens print. I had two skirts in mind, but i might have issues with pattern matching with the multi paneled skirt since the chickens are so big (seriously! 6+ inches tall). I think it will make a great skirt though.
At first I thought you meant you got chicken fabric for your couch. Which somehow didn’t seem entirely ridiculous, given the theme of this post. 😀
Just in case you would like to keep up this theme come winter – cuckoo clock colourwork mittens!
Those are cute!
Congratulations on now being married! There was a big thing over here in NZ when they finally allowed same sex couples to get married; personally I thought it should have been ok’d back when they brought in the civil unions.
I love the dress, the colour is beautiful and of course the fit is great too, I really need to work on my sloper to get that sorted I think; but I’ll wait till it’s warmer
Thank you! 🙂
Congratulations on the up grade to marriage- and that it was back dated. We have such a LONG way to go before we get marriage equality here in Australia
Thank you! I know it’s a long road– I hope you get there! 🙂
I love this theme – beautiful colors, the fabric is lovely, and the accessories are just fantastic! Great make!
Heartiest congratulations! What a beautiful story
Thank you! 🙂
Fab dress 🙂
I don’t often comment here (or maybe I never have!) but wanted to come and say congratulations on marriage equality and your paperwork changeover, that is fantastic news! And seeing as how I’m here, I also want to say that I love what you make, how you dress, pretty much everything really. You are so very talented and I love the inspiration I get coming here!
Thanks so much, on all accounts! 🙂
So. Darn. Cute!
Thanks, Gail!
Oh my goodness, those cuckoo clocks are amazing! You have such a knack for finding great fabrics, and your dress is lovely. Congratulations on your upgrade!
Thanks! 🙂
Perfectly fabulous as usual!! And although I said it on instagram, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Thanks, Tanya! 🙂
I love this fabric so much! I think I’m going to have to track some down and make myself a dress!
By all means! It’s fabulous fabric, I’d love to see someone else make something from it!
EEEEP!!!! Love everything about this post. Gorgeous dress, cuckoo, clogs, and marriage! Congrats and I just looooove your style. Keep ’em coming! A great source of inspiration…
Thanks so much, Jeanine!
The fit! The fabric! The clogs pin! I can hardly stand it! You are a beautiful bride, congrats!
This dress is all kinds of fabulously cute, kitsch (in the very best kind of way), and smile inducingly fun. I love it to bits and almost squealed when I saw it, then did actually squeal when I spotted that you’d partnered it with a matching cuckoo clock necklace. Too cool!!!
♥ Jessica
Congrats on the marriage! I have another friend who got to celebrate his wedding day and one year wedding anniversary on the same day because of the backdating. So glad IL finally sorted this stuff out – now just 31 more states to go!
Also, I just love all your Emery/Simplicity 1523 mashups lately. I’ve been on the hunt for 1523 and haven’t been able to find one anywhere, but I don’t do much vintage pattern shopping so I don’t know if I’m looking as widely as I could be. It seems like such a great pattern!