Hello sew-alongers!
Fall for Cotton has been a great experience for so many of us. Rochelle and I have been happy to help, wrangle, and hopefully inspire you along the way! It’s been an honor and pleasure being one of your co-hosts for this great sew-along challenge, and I couldn’t have had a better co-host than Rochelle! ♥
Ready for prizes?? Today’s our special giveaway day for Fall for Cotton participants. If you submitted at least one photo of your final garment to our Flickr group by the deadline last night, you’re eligible to win one of four prizes! That’s right, four chances to win. You can win one of two prizes in my giveaway here today, or one of two at Lucky Lucille today!
By Gum, By Golly Prize No. 1
The first prize here is one gorgeous wristlet bag created by the wonderfully talented Vicki (AKA Mama Golly) over at That Clever Clementine! It measures 10.75″ wide by 8.25″ tall and is 2″ deep.
If you’ve followed my blog for awhile you might find that some of that fabric looks suspiciously familar. Well that’s because I worked in cahoots with her, and some of the fabric featured in this wristlet is vintage fabric scraps from my own past projects. Isn’t it a wonderful little bag?? Her shop is full of fun fabric bags and bowls that are great for small projects. This wristlet was made exclusively for Fall for Cotton, but look for a variety of wristlets coming soon!
By Gum, By Golly Prize No. 2
Prize two is a sewing prize pack! You’ll get 2.5 yards of a gorgeous cotton print, .5 yard of a matching peach piqué, a blouse pattern from 1957 and some vintage notions. The pattern envelope and instructions aren’t in the best condition, but it’s a great pattern–in fact one of the first vintage blouse patterns I ever used!
Now, how can you win one of these prizes, or one of the prizes at Lucky Lucille??
Rules to enter
- You must have finished your Fall for Cotton project with final photos submitted to the Flickr group by the deadline (which was last night).
- In your comment, please include your Flickr username, first name and email address.
- You’re allowed one entry on this post and one entry on the Lucky Lucille giveaway post. There are 4 total prizes, and we will draw 4 winners at random. (Meaning you can’t win 2 prizes, sorry, we’re spreading around the love!)
Giveaways on both Lucky Lucille and By Gum, By Golly will close Saturday, October 5th at midnight.
Thanks so much for participating, we sure hope you had a blast! ♥
zilredloh says
Yay for Cotton & Yay for Giveaways! My username is Zilredloh on flickr (Liz) and you know my email address. 🙂
Thanks for hosting Tasha, it’s been fun.
tanya maile says
Yay!! Thanks for hosting this Tasha and Rochelle!
My name: Tanya
My email: tmphughes@gmail.com
My flickr name: tanyamaile
Kelly B. says
Thanks for giving all of us a great sewing challenge! It was wonderful to see so many amazing creations! A giveaway sounds great as well. My Flickr username: Seam Racer, I’ve entered in my email address, and my name is Kelly B. Good luck to all!
Stephanie says
Name: Stephanie Lynn
Flickr: GirlwiththeStarspangledHeart
Email: girlwiththestarspangledheart@gmail.com
Carolina says
Had a lot of fun sewing up using only cotton.
flickr name is lovelolabk and my email address is hello@carolinacalero.com
Rosie Wednesday says
Oh yay! I love that 1957 pattern and have sewn it a few times. The fabric would be a fun win, even still! Email: rosiewednesday@gmail.com, Flickr: rosiewednesday, Name: Lauren
jacqueline says
Thanks for holding such a fun sew along Tasha and Rochelle!
Name: Jacqueline
Flickr: The Darling Homemaker
Email: gonzalez.jacqueline7@gmail.com
theseedsof3 says
Awesome prizes! And such a fun sewalong!
My name: Melanie
My Flickr Name: Melanie_TheSeedsof3
My email: theseedsof3@gmail.com
Sara Hoste says
My name: Sara
My Flickrname: Sara Hoste
My mailadress: sara_hoste@hotmail.com
JJ says
All the prizes are so cool!!!
Email: jannapy@hotmaildotcom, Name: JJ, Flicker Username: JJ@DressUpNotDown!
SeamstressErin says
Oh how cute! I probably wouldn’t use the wristlet, even though it is adorable, so please only enter me for the sewing giveaway. I’m SeamstressErin on Flickr. Thanks for hosting the sewalong! Hearts! – Erin
Daniela says
Thanks so much for motivating me to finally sew my vintage dress!
Flickr name: Ela sews and doesn’t sleep
Mail: daniela dot muhl at gmail dot com
Claire (iwanttobeaturtle) says
I love these! I’ve had fun with this sew along, thanks for organising it. I’m I want to be a turtle on Flickr, also known as Claire. iwanttobeaturtle@gmail.com
Crow says
Thanks so much for organising a fantastic challenge!
Name:- Crow
Flickr name:- shessewbusy
E.mail:- I.am.crowbird@gmail.com
Barbara Carlon says
Count me in! Thanks for hosting such a great sew along. I hope you do it again soon!
I’m zibergirl onFlickr
Ginny says
Thank you to both of you for hosting! It’s been fun seeing everyone’s projects.
Name: Ginny
Flickr Name: laceduplady
Email: laceduplady@hotmail.com
Emily says
Thanks so much for putting together this sewalong. It was a lot of fun!
Name: Emily
Flickr: livinvintage
email: livinvintage@hotmail.com
Béa says
I’d forgotten all about these wonderful giveaways! Bonus fun!
I’m Béa, and my flickr account name is Bea’ssSewingAdventures, and my email is mizztigger@hotmail.co.uk.
And big big thanks to both you and Rochelle, for being lovely supportive sewalong hosts.
Cheryl says
First the sewalong, now prizes? You’re both so generous!
~Cheryl (redknitterATgmailDOTcom, red.knitter on flickr)
kathy says
I don’t think I have had so much fun participating in a sew along! It has been so informative and I can’t wait to see the slide show. What a wonderful time! And prizes?! WOW, what a wonderful surprise.
Check out my flickr photos: ks.gentry / SewMuch2Learn
Email me at ksgentry@insightbb.com
Amber says
What a great give away! My name is Amber, my email is whisperingmadcow@hotmail.com and my flickr name is Amber Hunter. Thanks for the fun!
Mads (lifeinamadshouse) says
Another great giveaway–thank you for hosting the contest and for putting up prizes! Here in Internetland, I go by Mads, my email address is aebirk@gmail.com, and my Flickr name is aebirk. Yay!
Frances says
What a lovely giveaway! I enjoyed the sewalong immensely, thanks to you lovely ladies for hosting.
I’m Frances (Frania on Flickr) and can be reached at polka.polish@aol.com
melissa says
Sweet! I’m missourimel on Flickr and my email address was provided when I entered this comment. I can also be contacted through my blog at http://www.missourimel.com. Fingers crossed! Thanks! 🙂
Ashley Kat says
How nice!
I’m Ashley (Ashley_Kat on Flickr) and email is Ashleykataboutthat@gmail.com 🙂
Victoria says
Love the prizes, thanks so much for getting me inspired to sew.
name Victoria
email vitoriarick@yahoo.com
flickr OsoVictoria
Gjeometry says
What a great sewalong this was and such cute prizes. Those buttons are adorable.
My flickr name is: Gjeometry
First name: Catja
Email: Gjeometry@gmail.com
Qui - the Garment Farmer says
cute! Does the horse come with the wristlet? 😉 I have a whole bunch of those Breyer horses–I collected them as a kid.
Thanks for hosting a fun sewalong Tasha.
Jacqui aka QuiPardue on flickr, and e-mail is quipardue@yahoo.com
LeeLee McFierce says
What wonderful prizes!
My name: Leslie
E-mail: leeleemcfierce@aol.com
My Flickr name: LeeLee McFierce
Valarie Brooks says
It was wonderful to participate in this sew-along. Thank you for your work in organizing it. My Flickr name is Val-der-ri
Carla says
Thank you for hosting this, you two! I had a blast
name- Carla
email- okamishoujo@gmail.com
flickr name- tinyangrycrafter
Heather says
Sadly I didn’t find your lovely blog until a few days ago, but I can’t wait til you have another sew along! Good luck to everyone who entered, I’ve been oogling over the entries on the flickr group!
Mags says
I would love to win prize 2. My flicker name is cawmags. Cawmags@tiscali.co.uk. Great sew along!
Elena Knits says
Thank you for this!
First name: Elena
Flickr name: lomeraniel
email: elenaknits (at) gmail (dot) com
Beccie Leathley says
Thank you!
First Name: Beccie
Flickr Name: SewRetroRose
Email: beccieblossom(at)gmail.com
Helen says
This has been a really great experience – thank you so much for organising!
Flickr name Helen 20thcenturycloth
My name is Helen
Email address helen@20thcenturycloth.com.
Bobbi says
Hi! I’m Bobbi. I’m Bobbilicious on flickr. Email is bobbipiles1229@yahoo.com.
Caroline says
This was a really great experience. I had a great time creating my garment and also feeling inspired by the work of others. After seeing this great collection I have a few more things to add to my wardrobe.
I’m Caroline
My flickr username is SewSewcial
My email is SewSewcial@hotmail.com
Once again thank you for doing this. It was amazing!
Helen says
HI, Thanks for this, and thanks for hosting the giveaway. It’s been really fun!
My name is Helen
My flickr name is Grosgrain Green
My email is grosgraingreen@hotmail.co.uk
Thanks again!
Jenny Johansson says
Hello, I like that the give away is open world wide. 🙂
My name is Jenny, my mail is jenny.johansson (a) gmail.com and I’m a bit at a loss about the flickr user name since I log in by my gmail… but on my page on flickr it says “Jenny Johansson” followed by “JennyJohansson”, so hopefully it’s one of those.
Thanks for giving me a reason to sew something special!
Nicola says
Hi, It was so much fun taking part in this. It was my first sewing challenge/sew along doo dah. Also gave me an excuse to use a different pattern, and to get one of my “can’t do”s out the way (the lapped zipper)
Very very happy with my new skirt. Now going to make it in some wool that I have in my stash.
My Email is uk_nickster@hotmail.com
Name: Nik
Flickr name – uk_nickster
Naomi says
Wonderful prizes! I really enjoyed the sew along! Can’t wait to do another.
My name is Naomi
Flickr id is artheliasattic
Email artheliasattic@gmail.com
I would love to win prize #2!
vintageattempt says
Thanks for the giveaway. I guess that I am eligible even though my dress was kind of a bust. I finished and uploaded it in time LOL. Please enter me for the sewing prize pack.
my name is Brandy (asa vintageattempt)
my flickr username is btotten
email wvbtotten@gmail.com
ShanniLoves says
Lovely prizes! Thanks you two for hosting such an awesome sewalong!
Loran W says
You guys are just so much fun : )
My name: Loran
My email: loranwatkins@gmail.com
My flickr name: LoranW (I think)
joelle says
yay for a great sew-along, thanks again girls! on flickr i am joellestlaurent, my first name is joelle and my email is joelle.stlaurent (at) hotmail.com
sarah says
This was my first sew along, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s projects. I wish I had done more than one project and had had more time to go through the Flickr photos, but I definitely feel excited to do another sew along, and next time will make more time to get to know others participating. Thank you so much for hosting such a fun sew along and giveaway!
Name: Sarah W.
Email: fiddlemeone@yahoo.com
Flickr name: Betsy’s Baby (I think or it’s fiddlemeone, I joined flickr just for this sew along.)
Cristina says
Fun! My name and email are attached to the comment form and here’s my Flickr account.
Jeanette says
I had lots of fun making my fall for cotton dress, and prizes are just icing on the cake, would love to win one! My flickr name is Lazy Seamstress, my real name is Jeanette Archer and my email is jeanette@lazyseamstress.net
Hannah says
Thanks to you and Rochelle for hosting such a fun sew-a-long!
My name: Hannah
My Flickr username: doeeyeddame
My email: hannahraecohen@gmail.com
Allie says
This was fun! Many thanks for the great tips!
I’m Allie
My flickr is throughthealley
my email is allie.mora@me.com
Kelly B. says
Count me in! Thanks for offering a giveaway to top off a great sew along. My Flickr account name is Seam Racer, real name Kelly B., and my email is attached to my comment.
Chuleenan says
I’m really glad I participated in this sewing challenge. I was definitely challenged to finish my blouse by the end of September! My email is info@csews.com. I’m not sure what my Flickr name is – Chuleenan (my first name) or Csews or C Sews. I know you can see my photos at . 🙂
Thank you Tasha and Rochelle!
wildchildsophie says
Oh this challenge was really fun, and I loved to see all the lovely projects that were done! Thanks for organizing it!!
I’m Wildchildsophie on Flickr
Sophie in the real life 🙂
and here’s my email : sophie.uran@gmail.com
Erin Hill says
Brilliant sew a long
Flickr – elo0808
Rachel says
You must have finished your Fall for Cotton project with final photos submitted to the Flickr group by the deadline (which was last night).<<< done. Ages ago. And I am glad, because I was right and did not get the chance to finish the other part I wanted to. I still need to blog it though!
Spinneretta over at flickr, Rachel and spinnneretta AT gmail DOT com!
Woolbothy says
Absolutely loved everyone’s clothes.
Flickr username woolbothy, first name Caroline and email address dollemorehunt@hotmail.com. As usual, no idea if I’m doing this correctly.
Jen says
Exciting! I totally loved taking part in this sew-along, thank you so much guys! Flickr username is Jen_TeaforTwo, email addy jen_rachel_wright@hotmail.com. Xxx
Melanie says
Can’t wait to see all the final results 🙂 My name is Melanie, on Flickr its Melli Bee and my mail adress is fashion.fantastica@googlemail.com
Sandra (sewist-stitch) says
Thanks for a great sew along and offering some fab prizes. Email is s.julian at xtra.co.nz and flickr screen name is sewist-stitch. Thanks
Kelly B. says
Count me in for the give away! Thank you for hosting a wonderful sew along…it sure helped nudge me into finishing some needed projects! My Flickr user name is Seam Racer, my email was entered with my comment, and my name is Kelly B.