Well hello my friends! I know, it’s been awhile! I expected to share with you my progress on my project during the Ravellenic Games, Ravelry‘s knitting version of the Olympics that coincide with the Olympics. However, not only have I been caught up in watching the Olympics (London, you’re doing an awesome job!), I had to change my project. I started off with fair isle legwarmers for autumn, but then couldn’t watch the coverage while looking at my colorwork chart, so I pulled out a long-languishing work-in-progress sweater that I hadn’t touched since winter of 2011. I had the body knitted but no sleeves and no collar, so in the last week and a half I finished the sweater and crossed the finish line!
It’s a vintage pattern from Australian Women’s Weekly in 1942, called Knit it in Flag Colors. And though initially intended for a different flag, this project couldn’t be more appropriate for the London Olympics, don’t you think? It’s a free pattern, available here.
Here’s the original sweater:
And now for mine, knit in fingering weight yarn and a slightly looser-than-normal gauge of 6.5 spi. The body is shaped with paired increases from the ribbing to the armholes, like an inverted trapezoid (which I talked about last February in the Briar Rose KAL). My Ravelry project page is here.
Obviously, I made a few changed, including flip-flopping the red and the white (my white is actually un-dyed yarn, but looks very bright next to the blue). One fortunate occurrence of not knitting on this for a year and a half is that when I picked it back up, I realized I was trying to decide what to do about the sleeves when I last worked on it. This time around I opted for long sleeves since I almost never wear my short-sleeved knits. I was talking to Liz from zilredloh.com last week when I met up with her (incidentally, I adore her and can’t believe it’s taken this long for us to meet!!), and we commiserated with one another about this. So, long sleeves it was. (Which I knit slightly too loose at the upper arm, oops.)
I opted to carry the stripe and color changes across the sleeve cap instead of knitting the intarsia stripes up the sleeves like the original pattern. To do this for a highly patterned project, the sleeve cap has the be the same number of rows from the armhole to the cast off as the body is from the armhole to the shoulder. That means the sleeve cap is going to have a bit more ease in it, which worked perfectly if you’re into 1940s styles, because you can just gather that bit of excess up into a beautiful gathered sleeve cap. Of course that wasn’t imperative for this project since the last color change was further down my arm, but I still used the same technique.
Another alteration I made was the collar. Instead of knitting two pieces flat and then seaming them to the neckline, I simply picked up stitches (along the inside, since the collar rolls out) and knit it out from there. Instead of folding under the edges and hemming it, I used ribbing as the border and bound off very loosely. When blocking, I had to roll the collar exactly the way I wanted it to lay so that the white from the inside didn’t show at the roll line. I also took a little stitch at the very center front to get the two halves to lay perfectly butt up against one another.
I fretted about the collar color and solicited advice from friends on my Ravelry teams, and in the end I’m really glad I went with red. Blue (which I started with) was too flag looking, and white would have faded into the background.
The back has a little surprise! (Other than my messy hair.)
A four button placket! Now, remembering that I knit the body a year and a half ago, when I went to put it all together I realized my top two buttonholes were slightly closer together than the others, and I have no clue why I would have done that (unless it was on accident). But the top button is mostly hidden by the collar, so I don’t really care.
I used a hidden snap closure at the upper edge of the band so that it didn’t pull open slightly from the weight of the collar on the left side. Per the pattern, I used a double crochet stitch the edge the buttonband. These are cute little moonglow buttons from my vintage button stash. I’m so glad I went with red buttons! I love the little ‘pop’.
Overall, I’m very satisfied with this pullover! It’s not the most exciting thing in the world, but I think it will work nicely for autumn. (Crazily, it is cool enough here today that when I took photos, I actually wasn’t dying from heat like I would have been any other day this summer!)
I hope to get back to more regular blogging soon. I’ve been having a bit of style ennui which has translated into blogging ennui. I know I’ve completely failed with keeping up on my Made and Making posts, and I’ve wanted to post again for the Vintage Knitting College series for ages and haven’t pulled that together yet either. Sorry! I’ve also been really on a knitting kick, which means no sewing has happened. It all just means I haven’t had much of anything to share.
Anyway, I do hope you’re doing well and enjoy my latest knit!
Wow that looks really great! I love the collar detail.
It is so beautiful! Everytime I see your lovely clothing I wish I could knit as well …
Love this knit! I would have also swapped the colors round like you did so there was more red in the design, and the long sleeves are much more practical than a s/s. Well done you, looks fabulous 🙂
So, adorable! Love it, you did such a great job and how you switched the colors around really makes a statement, especially using red on the collar too! Another stand out detail are those red buttons on back.
Beautiful! I love the button surprise! And that collar is charming!
Super lovely! I have a sweater that is sooo close to being finished but I’ve just not been able to bring myself to knit lately. Today is nice and cool though so it’s almost knitting season again. 🙂
I know, I can’t believe the weather here today! It’s making me pine for autumn for sure!
Sweet collar and placket! Looks great on you!
I love this! The changes you made just give the whole thing a nice pop – and the fit is so beautiful. I don’t think I would wear short sleeve knits either, so glad you went with the longer sleeves.
As a side note, I’m so excited to meet you & Liz when I’m in Chicago next month 😀 Yay!
Yay indeed, I’m super excited!!
Oh man, I just adore the sweater. Everything about it is perfect! I’ve been knitting for a while, but never done anything like a sweater or even socks, how would you rate the difficulty of this pattern?
It’s hard to say since I made a lot of shaping modifications, but since it’s in stockinette it’s pretty straight-forward! But I can say sweaters and socks aren’t anything to be scared of, once you try you’ll be hooked. 🙂
This is just gorgeous! I much prefer your version of the horizontal stripe. Don’t think I’ve commented here before, so hello!
Beautiful!!!! And perfect colours!
It looks fabulous! You do such beautiful work! This one is on my to-do list, but I’m such a slow knitter! lol!
I just left you a comment on your Ravelry page, but had to post one here too! 🙂
Your jumper is so cute. I don’t think it’s boring at all! I think it looks like a classic, 40’s knit that can pair with many different “bottoms”. The long sleeves are a good choice. I’ve been debating fall knits and have purposefully set some patterns aside since they have short sleeves. It helps to chat about these things with a fellow knitter. 🙂
I really need to work on “bottoms” to wear it with, I don’t have a lot of options in my wardrobe currently! And honestly I’m soo glad I went with the long sleeves. 🙂
Super cute, how many sweaters do you think you have knitted?
Probably about 20 total, but there are only a handful that I wear regularly, so I’m trying to really knit things I know I want to wear a lot. 🙂
Wow, this sweater is sooo adorable! I’m just starting to learn knitting, but this will be definitely my first big project. Great!!!!
loooooooooooooooving this!!!!
So freakin’ cute! I have such a soft spot for red, white and blue, which I think has nothing to do with patriotism, but maybe just nostalgia for things like that sweater. I love the the collar on it too. I think I may attempt to knit a sweater again this summer. I exilled myself from knitting for a while when I found myself getting too impatient, but I think I might be ready to give it another go. Especially when I have delightful inspiration from you!
Do it!!! No need to be impatient, I didn’t work on this for a year and a half. 😉 I’ll cheer you on!
That is so cute! You always make the best projects!
This is beyond cute!
Yet another winner from you! Congrats on your Olympic gold medal. I love the colors, since this combo is hands-down my favorite. It fits the theme so wonderfully. Well done!
I would buy that in a heartbeat, a million times over! I wish I had your talent!
What a lovely sweater. I find the buttons down the back to die for.
Beautiful! I like the short sleeve version, but I *really* like your long sleeved version.
What a sweet sweater – the collar and buttons are a lovely touch
Supercute sweater! I like your flipped colors even more than the original, and the way you finished the collar with ribbing looks great.
Ooh so pretty! Totally agree about the long sleeves, short ones seem a bit pointless in the cold! 🙂
Oh my stars, that is one absolutely marvelous handmade sweater. I adore that you opted for red, not white, on the bottom area, and think that partnering it with classic denim was a stellar choice. You look beyond lovely, dear Tasha – and will have me yearning for a vintage fitted red sweater akin to this one from here on out 🙂
Big hugs & joyful weekend wishes,
♥ Jessica
Wow this sweater is amazing! I totally agree about the long sleeves too, and I love the effect of swapping the colours round
LOVE this! The collar and buttons are so dainty and perfect!
I love the changes you made to this pattern especially the collar. I just frogged my version of it because I hated my color choices. I decided to go bold and do dark green, yellow and white. I should have been sensible and gone with the colors recommended. I’m rethinking the short sleeve knit. Last winter was so warm that the only handknit I wore was my Briar Rose.
This is adorable, I love all the changes you made, they all work so well. Love the buttons on the back! It looks positively divine!!
I love this, it looks great! I adore the colours and I love the neckline, so cute! XxxX http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.co.uk
Thank you so, so much everyone!! ♥
So cute! Thanks for sharing a link to the pattern.
hi tasha, that is SOOOOO funny. a few month ago i was pretty sick and so i had a lot of time to look for knitting patterns. and found this one and decided that i will change the colours a bit – and here it is just the way you knitted it 😀 it turned out absolutely pretty – you look great in it!
best wishes from germany
Well great minds think alike, then! 😀
OMG! That’s beyond awesome!!!
Well done!
I can’t stand it. That is just TOO CUTE! Looks lovely on you too of course 🙂
Your hair looks great, and the sweater too! Super cute!
I love the modifications you made to the pattern for your version–it’s better than the original, imho! 🙂 That collar just keeps drawing me in; I have a huge weakness for Peter Pan collars and a sweater featuring one would be so cute… 😀 However, must finish the dozen or so other projects on my knitting to-do list first! lol.
Love the colors you choose. The yarn really has a rich depth to it. And the sweater is adorable! Love the red collar against the white.
That sweater is absolutely to die for! I can’t wait until fall comes, I’m having a hard time knitting in heat. My genetics aren’t made for it. :p
Great pullover. I love the collar and the button border in the back.
Oh my goodness!! This sweater is do die for! I really need to learn how to knit.
You are too cute! I just found you from a Twitter recommendation! I love that I’m finding more vintage lovers closer to me! I’m in Eastern Tennessee. So Chicago isn’t such a stretch.