Once of the interesting things I’ve discovered in the relatively short time I’ve been blogging here is that I find myself thinking about my own vintage style more than ever before, including my knitting and sewing. I never really used to contemplate how items would work together in my wardrobe… if I did, it was usually more along the lines of, “Uh oh, why am I knitting a chartreuse pullover when I have nothing to wear it with?”
Back in February I attempted to challenge myself by focusing on a color palette and a plan for sewing and knitting.
While a good idea in theory, I lost focus pretty quickly. How easy to get distracted by pretty fabrics, yarns and patterns! I forgot I’m not always the most monogamous knitter, either.
Now the things I’ve completed do fit into the color palette I laid out for myself, for the most part, and I have one sewing project and two knitting projects in progress that will also fit in whenever they’re completed. I did sew one skirt (on my “Thing I would really like” list), one dress, one sleeveless blouse and knit one short-sleeved sweater (all on my “Things I absolutely need” list). Part of the problem was that I wasn’t nearly as productive as I would have hoped.
But I guess I didn’t do half bad, did I? A cardigan, a sleeveless sweater, a skirt, a sleeveless blouse, a short-sleeved sweater, restyled shorts, and a dress. I’d hardly call it a ‘wardrobe’, but it’s not too shabby.
I think I shall draw this project to a close, since I never really felt I jumped in with both feet. And that’s fine, because it was a good learning experience for me on how I do (or don’t!) focus on project planning, and through it I think I learned what I’d change in future challenges to myself.
And the future is nigh! I’m already starting to think about my fall wardrobe. More ramblings from me soon on that. Have a great weekend!
I think you made fantastic progress! Look at all those incredibly wearable and cute items. And don’t forget those earrings you made for Vegas. I think one of them were coral, right?
Tasha, you were more focused than me, rest assured!! I had a colour palette all sorted. Spent ages on it. Then went off randomly sewing and refashioning completely unrelated items. I never completed my Swing dress or my Briar Rose and haven’t sewn a stitch for about a month!
You have a lovely and cohesive collection of items there and you did have VLV and a wedding inbetween it all to distract you!
I think working to a color palette is good! I tend to only buy things (clothing and accessories) in black, red, pink, navy or white. That way everything matches! I think your ‘makes’ have all been fabulous. It spurs me on to learns to dressmake properly!
I’m horrible at sticking to a palette I too am distracted by gorgeous fabric! Obviously I like the colours I like and that suit me so in a way I sort of have a palette, but I would find it hard to stick to rules. I think it stems from being a vintage buyer, at the end of the day you can’t plan what fabulous things you’ll find that fit and suit you, so I think we bring that into our sewing and knitting projects too.
I think you did pretty good I wouldn’t have done as well as you!
@Moe Ooh true, those earrings are kind of a coral color! Probably closer to pink, but I’m counting the yellow in my castles skirt as butterscotch, so using those colors pretty loosely. 😉
Tasha, I think you’ve done a great job by doing all this outfits. Wow!!! you are so talented. You’ve inspired me to knit blog friend. I recently went out to wal-mart and purchased a beginner knit kit, hopefully I’ll learn. I just love your sweaters and I would love to one day knit just like you.
I’m pretty awful about sticking to a specific “wardrobe plan” when it comes to my own sewing. Like you, I get distracted by all the pretty materials the call my name! The most organized I get is to plot out things on a spreadsheet for the season (important stuff like patterns, supplies, fitting adjustments I made, etc.), but even then I deviate quite a bit (evidenced by the four out standing projects on my summer sewing list that still are not completed! I do have one cut out though… just need to change my serger thread ;).
I agree with everyone else–what you did accomplish is really good! 🙂 More cohesive than I could have stuck to… 😉 hehe.