Last night we decided to brave the labyrinth of snow walls that now make up our city to go out. Did you know some people here “save” parking spaces once they uncover their car from the snow? Really, it’s a pretty hot issue! Fortunately we don’t have to worry about it since we don’t have a car parked outside. The guy in the car in the right of this photo saw me taking the picture and joked that we should go sit down in the chairs, but agreed it was a little cold for that…
I was trying for some good outfits photos before we left, but failed rather miserably. This was the best one of the lot and didn’t even show my accessories, an ivory beaded cardigan and matching purse.
At least I was able to get a little bracelet bling…
Some Bakelite and a chunky maroon vintage bracelet of unknown plastic that I bought at an antique mall in the middle of nowhere in central Illinois. When the woman took it out of the cabinet she said, “It’s not Bakelite” in a way that clearly meant “40 people before you have asked this question, so don’t bother asking”. I loved it anyway and it was reasonably priced, so I told her I’d buy it to save her the trouble of ever having to say that again. 😉 Besides, it looks great mixed in with my other bangles!
When I was haphazardly playing with my hair I did some small victory rolls, which I didn’t think would work since I’ve had a hard time with them the longer my hair has gotten, but it turned out pretty good. Knowing I’d never get them to work again (because my hair is just ornery like that), I pinned them and called it a day, and did a little curl with my bangs. I knew it would be dark and no one would notice my hair was a little frizzy. Later I discovered I had bean dip splashed on the bottom of my overalls from a recent party at our friends’ house when Elaine accidentally dropped a fresh-from-the-oven bowl of bean dip and it broke all over their kitchen floor.
Yes, let’s recap that. I went out to a show with bean dip on my pants and frizzy hair. How uncouth can you get!
I wore my ubiquitous Freddie’s of Pinewoods overalls and navy Keds. I love those overalls so much. That’s also the only photo that shows the cute little dot print on my shirt. It’s a sheer light peach vintage Ship n’ Shore blouse with rows of tiny little white polka dots and flirty, bias cut sleeves. I seriously wish I had one in every color. In fact, I bought a much larger printed polka dot white cotton voile so that I could attempt to sew something similar. (When I ever finish my birdie blouse.)
Unfortunately, the show itself was kind of a bust. It’s a monthly rockabilly jam with several bands. It doesn’t start until pretty late for a weeknight for old timers like us, so we usually only stay about an hour and get to see the first couple of bands. It started later than normal, probably due to the weather and it still being relatively difficult to get around the city, and then the opening band played blues. Now I have some seriously eclectic taste in music, but blues isn’t high up on the list of things I like. And since it all started late, they were the only band we got to see. Oh well. You win some, you lose some. At least it was fun venturing out in the snow!
Wonderful bangles AND bangs! I can’t believe people are saving parking spaces!! Craziness.
Really enjoyed your post. You should start a movement for facial nakedness in blog posts!
(You look like a teenager without makeup,in a good way, not a spotty awkward way, lol!)
You look Amazing!! 😀
Pretty, pretty bangles!!! And you look great without makeup!!!!
@Miss P Hee hee! I’ll take teenager, since I passed it long ago. I was definitely a spotty awkward teen, though! 😉
@Jenny Leggings & @Temperamental Broad thank you guys!! ♥
You DO look great! And bravo for posting the pic unashamed. I feel like there is often a bit of self-exposure involved in blogging about making clothes, because that moment when you want to post a photo of some item gone wrong that just doesn’t look very good on you and you have to weigh vanity against getting advice. It’s kind of freeing to just put it all out there.
Besides, you went out with bean dip on your pants. You crack me up! I love your ensemble and Joey is envious of Mel’s shirt.
I don’t blame people for saving their spaces. If I had to dig out that much snow, I’d be saving that space too. Cripes!
I love that maroon bangle, I wouldn’t care whether it was bakelite or not either, it looks great!
As for you without make up you look so young! I have now sadly passed the age where I look younger without make up ;o)
great overalls! also i love that your cats name is pia, one of my best friends is named pia and ive often thought about how i love that name, so perfect. also, here in baltimore saving spaces is crazy out of control!! there was even a story in the paper where the mayor said they refused to enforce the law against it (there is a law) because that would be like telling people they cant say ‘hon’ (huge baltimore term of endearment, kind of an icon of the city at this point!)
@Moe Thank you! I definitely think I felt a more free after posting those horrible muslin photos on Flickr for everyone’s advice. Nothing like having people stare at your figure wearing something that looks atrocious to knock you down a couple of pegs!
@Straight Talking Mama! I honestly didn’t notice it makes me look younger, but I will take it while I can still get it.. I think those days are numbered, ha ha!
@honey hi It’s hard to see in the pic but Pia is actually a dog (our cat is named Dinah). I totally know of the Baltimore hon thing! My mom and step-dad live outside D.C., and we went to Baltimore for a day over Christmas (to go to the Visionary Arts Museum) and even ate at the Hon Cafe! I think we have a law here too against saving parking spaces but our mayor doesn’t enforce it either. 😉
You look adorable! And posting pics without make-up is always scary! You look great though :
You could made a great photo shoot on the 2 seats with tiki mugs and umbrella :))))
My sailor and I lived in Grayslake during that blizzard. I was a novice knitter just making my first foray into sock knitting. I sat up half the night watching it snow and knitting. I found your blog while searching for advice on stranded colorwork. I am so glad that I did! Thanks for letting us look through the window into your amazing life.
Kristie B.