Okay, what are my pets trying to tell me this week?! First it was Pia and the muslin, now it’s Dinah and the sewing machine.
Apparently she, too, is eager to find out how the collar will work out on my muslin (see previous post). I just sat down to work on it and suddenly there she was.
You can just get a little glimpse of one of my prized possessions in the background, which I hope to photograph in detail sometime when the sun comes back (I’m thinking that’ll be about April). It’s a vintage hutch that we got last Fall from one of my favorite antique malls in Chicago. In the meantime it’ll have to remain a bit of a mystery, but you can just make out some of my collections… jadite plates, my snappy snail Enesco teapot, salt and pepper shakers and sugar bowl, my primrose Fire King and several pieces of green depression glass that I’ve inherited from my step-grandmother. (Can you inherit something when someone is still alive? That sounded awkward. She gave them to me. There, that’s better!)
I can’t wait until it’s the season when it’s daylight when I get home from work again. I sure hate never being able to take any decent photos! Okay, the Artic weather isn’t so great, either…
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