Today, let's talk about how to keep your stranded knitting nice and even looking! I'll cover a few things that tie together to make that happen, and give you my best advice for lovely looking stranded knitting. Tension You may or may not find that your tension changes from knitting with one color to knitting with two colors. Many people say your tension tightens up when you knit stranded (producing more stitches per ... Read more »
Knitting Tutorials
VKC: Getting started with stranded (fair isle) knitting
This post is the first official lesson in the Vintage Knitting College! I'm starting off with a series of posts for Colorwork: 101. Bestway #82 pattern As you know, you'll be following along with a pullover I'll be knitting from a 1940s pattern, Bestway #82. It's available as a .pdf from the Vintage Knitting Lady here, and available for your Ravelry queue here. But since my goal for the VKC is to ... Read more »