I’m absolutely ecstatic to introduce you to my newly rebranded site! By Gum, By Golly is now Tasha Could Make That.
Friends, I’ve needed the change for a long time. I’ve been blogging here since 2010 (much love to those of you who’ve stuck around that long! ♥) and for a good few years or more, I’ve been tired of my username. You never think when you pick a username for something that it might be kicking around more than ten years later, ya know?
So it was finally time for a change! And it was time for an overall brand refresh, while I was at it. And OH what a refresh it is!
Fortunately for me, my super talented friend Joelle of Moxie Design Studios is an amazing web design guru (not to mention a killer baker… watch for her cookie company, Chubette Bakery, coming soon!). I think you can agree she gave me the web site rebranding of MY DREAMS!
And because she knows the very best creative people, Joelle connected me with her friend Cynthia Frenette who she works with, to design my amazing new logo, as well as helping me indulge in a little secret dream: silly as it may sound, I’ve always wanted a little cartoon of myself! And boy, did Cynthia deliver!
I just love cartoon me so much, I can’t even tell you. She’s perfection!
And to top it off, without knowing it, Cynthia actually designed the mini-me skirt not realizing I made a skirt nearly exactly like this. Here’s a photo of me wearing it in Oaxaca, Mexico in February 2020 (I made it for that trip) (which was wonderful). She’d never seen this skirt. I mean get out of town, right?! I have a similar black fabric that I’ll be sewing up soon!
Anyway, Joelle masterfully created a new web site branding for me that included Cynthia’s illustrations and this fresh new color palette. If there was any doubt this was the color palette of my entire life, all you’d need to do was scroll my 50s kitchen renovation post, and you’d see. Seeing that post in the new branding had me shaking my head YES so hard it nearly popped right off! Fortunately for you (and well, me) it didn’t.
Now perhaps you’re wondering about the name? Sure, I suppose Tasha Could Make That is maybe about a decade out of date in terms of blog name trends, but I don’t care, it actually has a very specific personal meaning!
I was a crafty kid and teen. (I started early and never stopped.) When I was in high school, I had a good friend who would always say, if we were out shopping or saw something really cute somewhere, “Tasha could make that!” I was tickled that she would say that, and it stuck with me over the years, so when I started thinking over new name ideas, it was the very first thing that came to mind and that was that. It made perfect sense! And was perfectly me. (And obviously, always has been.)
On a technical note, along with here, you’ll see my username changed all across the interwebz, from ByGumByGolly to TashaCouldMakeThat. That’s no small feat so it may take me a bit to get to every corner.
I am beyond grateful to Joelle for making my dream rebranding come true. She knocked it out of the park. It’s all so perfect and I feel SO refreshed. It couldn’t come at a better time. Since the release of my Legendaire pullover knitting pattern in April, I’ve been so inspired knitting-wise. And I know blogging has been “dead” for years, but I originally created this site because I love to write, and while I’ve been off my game for awhile, I’m now feeling energized and inspired to write more!
So expect to see more of me here in this space, including future knitting patterns that I’m working on. More on that very soon. (So soon!)
And hey if you’d like to get updates from me, join my new mailing list! I lost the old one ages ago, and it’s high time for a new one. You’ll be the first to know about new patterns, special coupons, test knits, and more! Links to join are at the top of the page and in the sidebar.
Thank you sooooo much to Joelle and Cynthia for reinvigorating my space and putting a huge smile on my face and a giant kick in my step! ♥
Yay!! It looks amazing!! So much fun working with you!!
Thank YOU for being so patient with me. I’m thrilled you love it. 🙂
I love the new look!
Looks fantastic, love the cartoon you. I’m glad you feel energised for blogging, I still love reading them.
Cartoon you is so wonderful!! What a great new site.
This is wonderful and so exciting!
Nice!! Looking fwd to more knitting???
This entire site (and your cartoon you) are just plain spectacular. Thank you for being one of the people that inspire me all the time!!!! I’m also really glad that you are going to be blogging again.
Who doesn’t want a cartoon version of themselves? Yours looks fabulous!
Love the cartoon you! Too cute. I think I’ve been lurking around your blog since close to the beginning which I guess in internet terms is a really long time. I look forward to seeing and being inspired by your lovely makes.
Cartoon you is perfection!
Wooohoooo! Love the rebrand and cartoon ? And yay for keeping up the blog!! ❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations! I love the new look, and name, and the cartoon you! ♥
Love the refresh!
Tasha, I’ve been excited to see the new site since you announced it on instagram but I waited until I could do it on my own laptop to get the best experience…I’m now admiring it with a cup of tea on a grey Saturday morning and it was worth the wait! It looks truly fantastic. And I still love reading blogs a lot, yours in particular so it makes me happy to hear you will be writing more and enjoying it 🙂
And as a side note, 2010!? I think I must have started reading you quite soon after you started!