I try to keep most things personal and deep off my blog. On a rare occasion however, I feel it’s important that I share a little more with you.
Recently, the tragic and unexpected death of a close friend of Mel’s from Atlanta has left a huge hole in not only our circle of friends, but in all of the widespread and various circles of people that she touched (and believe me, it was a lot of people). Mel traveled quickly to attend services over the weekend. To say it’s shaken us upside down in many ways would be an understatement.
Right now, I’ve dropped everything to work on a couple of very special projects (I probably won’t be sharing them here, I’m sorry). This doesn’t mean that I won’t still be leading the charge for Knit for Victory, or knitting my Victory beret and discussing it here—it just means that’s it’s going to happen a little slower or more intermittently than I planned. I’ve dropped work on a design I was hoping to release before Christmas, I’ve dropped work on my beret, I’ve dropped work on my Wartime Farm pullover. Priorities can change. Frankly, a lot of priorities have suddenly changed. And sometimes, things have to get pre-empted because of that. This is one of those times.
This season it’s not about the deals you got during frenzied holiday sales, it’s not about having the latest and the greatest, or any of that. It’s about friends, and family, and love. Being grateful for what you have, and the people that make your world go round. Don’t forget what’s important in life. Tell everyone you love that they hold a special place in your heart and your life. And that includes you; I’m very grateful to have this blog and the friends I’ve made through it.
Please excuse me if I’m periodically a little more absent than normal for awhile in online realms… I’m busy showing people how much they mean to me!
I’m terribly sorry for your loss. Losing a friend, or someone who had so many friends, really makes you sit back and re-evaluate some serious points in life. I’d like to think everything happens for a reason, but then something like this happens and you just know that’s not true. The only thing anyone can control in a situation like this is how you carry yourself through it, and what kind of person you become because of it. I’m sending so much love and light to you and Mel. …I really need to come visit you soon <3
Chin up, Darling. Let your special knitting be a warmth for your mind, body, and spirit 😉
I’m very sorry to hear this, I hope you’re holding up okay and I’m thinking of you. Best wishes x
Tasha, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost a close friend just a bit over three years ago, and I can totally understand taking some time to show those you love how important they are to you. I’ll be thinking of you and your circle of friends as you deal with the loss of someone so important.
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sending you and Mel warm thoughts. If I can do anything to help with your projects that you’ve had to put aside, please let me know! I’d be happy to do so.
Sad. And you are quite right with your priorities. Sending warm wishes x
How sad this time must be for you, I am sorry for you all. I lost a friend too this year, someone who was probably the brightest and best of our close friends and whose loss was devastating. The close bonds formed between those left behind, taking more time to spend together over the past six months has been the one and only good thing to have come out of this situation. You just do what you can do and the rest of life has to wait.
I’m sorry for your loss 🙁 Take your time, sometimes you have to set priorities.
Oh, I’m so so sorry for your loss. Sending warm thoughts your way.
I’m very sorry for your loss. Please know that we all understand when real life happens. You and your family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers. Take all the time you need to focus on you and yours right now. We are here when you come back.
Tasha, I’m so sorry for the loss and sorrow you and Mel are experiencing. I hope you are able to be of comfort to each other and those around you sustaining similar heartbreak.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I’m sending you positive thoughts and virtual hugs.
Sorry to hear of your loss. 🙁
-hug- Sorry to hear about your friend. 🙁
Dear Tasha, I am so sorry for your loss and believe me, I can understand your feeling. It happens a similar experience to me some months ago, a friend of mine loss her 13 yo child. From then I’ve got panic episodes and still feel in danger for my life, family and friends. We need to elaborate our loss in someway. Take your time and don’t felt the net pressure, we, your reader, will be here when you will be back. Xo, Giusy
So sorry for your loss. My family has experienced a lot of death over the past few years, and it really does make you shift your priorities. Everyday is priceless. Hug your loved ones a little tighter. Hang in there.
I am so sorry for your and Mel’s loss. No words can take away the pain. Sending both of you huge hugs,
I’m sorry for your loss. I hope things get better, and I’ll be sending positive vibes to you and Mel.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for being so open hearted and generous I am sure I speak for all of us who follow your blog that we surely understand and no apologies needed on your part. Take the time for yourself and your loved ones our thoughts are with you. <3
So sorry for yours and mel’s loss. It’s so important to remember to tell people what they mean to us. Thanks for the reminder bit sad that it took this for you to be able to remind us. Take care of yourselves.
I’m sorry to hear of your loss. Hold your loved ones close – everything else can wait.
I’m so very sorry to hear your sad news Tasha, I’m sending lots of love to you and Mel. What you say is absolutely right: when these things are thrown at us, we just need to appreciate and be grateful for our family and loved ones. And never under estimate how important they are. I’ll be thinking of you both over the coming weeks. Jane xxx
So sorry for your loss. It’s never easy losing someone at any stage life. My condolences to you, Mel, and your friend’s friends and family. Do the needful, darling, spend the time with loved ones. We’ll be here when you come back.
So sorry for your loss. There is never a good age, or time of year, to loose someone, but this time of year, and (assuming your friend is your age) at this age, seems doubly worse. Do what you need to do, and make the priorities you need to make – at the end of the day our hobbies are important, but your family and friends are even more so. We will still be here when you come back.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Be with your family, your extended family of friends and take care of eachother. We will all be here when you come back!
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Tasha. *Hugs* to Mel (and you) from Felix and I.
Of course, don’t worry about the Victory knits! All of us who follow you know friends & family come first.
I am so sorry for your and Mel’s loss. How terrible! I will be keeping you, Mel and your circle of friends in my thoughts and prayers. If I can do anything, please let me know.
Take time for you, your familly and your friends, blogging must go after!
So sorry to hear of your loss. Sending prayers and hugs your (and Mel’s) way.
Love you and Mel! xoxox
So sorry to hear of your friend’s death, and thank you for sharing.
I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for the reminders we so often forget.
God Bless you
Very sorry about your friend. Of course blogging needs to come last for a while.
With all my heart, I am sorry for your and Mel’s loss, dear Tasha. My thoughts and understanding are with you both.
Gentle hugs,
♥ Jessica
I’m really sorry for your loss, Tasha. Take your time, we’ll be here.
I know you don’t know me but I know you because of your fabulous blog which I love to read. Things happen in life which sometimes you can’t control. Take your time. You are absolutely right in what you say. Hug and love those close to you. X
I’m very, very sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and Mel. Take time the mend and process, we’ll be here when you feel up to it. We’re coming up on the one year anniversary of losing a very special girl, it’s hard but…it’s just hard.
I’m so sorry.
I’m so sorry Tasha. Why not postpone the completion date a little… allow yourself to do those important things!
I’m sorry for your loss. Gentle hugs to you and all your friend’s friends and family.
Well put. Sorry for your loss, and best holiday wishes to you and Mel.
Of course you need to be elsewhere. We at the knitalong will carry on and when you’re ready to jump back in, we’ll be glad to see you. Take care and please accept this virtual hug from one of your cheerful lurkers.
I feel so saddened by this news. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you’re looking after yourselves as best you can in this impossibly difficult time. I’ll be thinking of you.