A huge thank you to everyone for your support when I announced last week that I’m planning to design a sweater pattern. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it! ♥ Each comment has made me feel great and really cements it for me that I made the right decision to dip my toe in the design pool.
Honestly I’ve had so much going on that I really don’t have anything fun or interesting to share right now! I even looked at my schedule for the Briar Rose Knit-Along for the week and saw that I wrote down “Week of March 28th: Buttonholes”. Huh? What was I going to say about buttonholes? Hmm. I’ll have to figure that one out.
So instead I give you just a couple of photos from today from a fruitless thrifting adventure (two thrift stores, not so much as a scarf acquired). The first was out by a neat glass block wall in Uptown. It was really cold, can you tell? I even had knee highs on under my socks. Sheesh.
The second was at a hot dog restaurant I’ve been going to since I was little. A nice surprise was that we ran into our friend and his girlfriend also out for a Sunday hot dog.
Mel liked that I matched the wall and the booth behind me…
I just had my hair in a messy ponytail. I’ve had to face the fact lately that my hair has gotten to the point where I can’t get it to do anything! It’s just too long. I rarely seem to be able to coax it into a style that works well, wet sets are a huge chore now (if they work at all) and heated roller sets only last a few hours. Now, sometimes I go through times when I seem to be all thumbs about my hair, but this has been ongoing for quite awhile. And I finally decided that three weeks before Viva Las Vegas is not the time for me to be having major hair trauma! No sirree. So I scheduled a haircut on Thursday after work. I don’t know exactly how much I’m going to get chopped off, but I’m thinking at least 3 inches. Fortunately my hair stylist knows vintage styles so I should be able to tell her how I intend to set my hair and what I’m going for. Assuming I figure out what that is. (I admit there’s part of me that wants to get it cut as short as Yesterday Girl, I just love that short look but I’m not sure my hair would perform and then I’d really be screwed if I discovered it didn’t!) This will be my first haircut in 2 years, and my first time getting it cut since I’ve had a better understanding about setting my hair, so it’ll be kind of a unique experience. Wish me luck!
And hey… don’t forget tomorrow night my Bombshell Shocked Giveaway ends! One more day to get your entries in!
good luck with your hair cut. I know you’ll look great, no matter what length!
Brrrr! You do look cold! Or maybe I’m just projecting because after 4 hours of power outage here, our own apartment is unpleasantly chilly.
I love those short cuts like Yesterday Girl, whom you linked to. I used to have my own hair a bit like that a few years ago and it was really fun. The drawback, I felt, though was that I always had to “do” my hair. I couldn’t just wash, dry and go. Which, of course, few fabulous hairdos are like that. My life just got more and more hectic with less and less time available, so that is how I ended up with my current no-fuss and minimal-awesomeness bangs and long bob thing. I can’t wait to see what you do with yours!
It’s been freezing here too! Ugh! So tired of the cold, I don’t even want to look at my winter coat any more.
I think the combination of a good vintage cut and your skills with the curlers is going to be fabulous! Can’t wait to see how it turns out.
I keep ending up with a blunt cut, and that won’t curl nicely no matter what length it is!
LOVE your saddle shoes!! 😉
I can’t wait to see the sweater pattern, what size will you be going up to?
I feel your pain on the hair front… my last haircut was last June, it’s now way too long, and I’ve been growing out the right side above the ear which was shaved to 1/4″ and dyed with leopard spots so it peeked out from under my set – it looked cool but took so much upkeep. The short part is now about three inches long and the rest is shoulder length, it’s ridiculous, but I can’t afford a cut until next month!
Today’s weather was terrible, but you looked cute as heck!!
I hope you don’t mind but I’ve passed on the ‘stylish bloggers award’ to you. Check out my blog to see what it’s all about.
I eagerly await your sweater pattern, and your new hair do. I really must do the same.
Cheers Cyd
Great! Good luck with the sweater! I am determined to get myself to sewin’ someday!
You are too, too adorable!! I love your glasses. Excited about your sweater pattern!
I wear my hair in ponytails every day 🙂 But I’m taking the plunge and getting it permed this week, so we’ll see how it goes! I definitely can relate to the chore of setting and hot rollers not holding!
You look adorable as always though it has been rough weather here in Chicago. 🙁 I’m bummed to hear you had bad thrifting luck! Earlier this week I did surprisingly well at the Brown Elephant but there are many times when I’ve left a thrift empty handed.
Oh I feel your hair pain! Mine is far too long right now for me as mine is thick so gets darned hot too! But I’m broke so can’t get it cut yet however, when I do mine will be chopped off really short even shorter than Jen’s, but fortunately I go to a fabulous vintage styling hairdresser, so I feel confident.
good luck with yours!
I can never do anything with my hair, it truely does have a life of it’s own! I’m sure yours will look lovely however much you decide to cut off.
I’ve been following your blog and meaning to say a huge THANK YOU! for your posts on the Briar Rose KAL. They’re wonderfully detailed, and I’m saving them for future reference. At the moment I’m still a shy knitter, mostly making scarves. I had some dramatic incidents involving cardigans, and was a bit traumatised. But I can say I’ve been learning from my mistakes. Now I’m reading a lot about technique (specially about fit and ease)to make sure next time I end up with something that’s my size (my mom was quite happy on my last knitting disaster… It was huge on me so I gave it to her, and it fit perfectly! At least someone was happy).
Oh, look! All that time without commenting and now I’m just rambling away!